Dec. 2022



IMS - Instituto Moreira Salles, Avenida Paulista, SP, Brasil.

FESTIVAL ZUM is an event Instituto Moreira Salles - IMS promotes annually around contemporary photography. The call is hotly competitive! The collective Mulheres Luz of which I am honored to be a part was one of those selected in 2022.

On December 3rd and 4th, the collective Mulheres Luz will be at the Photobook Fair of the Zum Festival 2022, at IMS - Paulista, promoting the platform and the extensive production of women in the field of photography. A series of works - prints, publications and objects will be at IMS-Paulista.

Congratulations to the dedicated team at Mulheres Luz for the well-deserved recognition. This collective was conceived by the editor and curator Monica Maia @momaia in partnership with @fridaprojetos , executive producers Ana Silvia Forgiarini @silforgiarini and Mariane Goldberg, and is developed with the editors @ivanadebertolis, journalist Carla Romero @carlaromero73 and critical accompaniment of photography and university professor @simonettapersichetti. Design and communication advisory is by Fernanda Masini @FernandaMasini.

For those who, like me, will not be able to be at Avenida Paulista in the center of Sao Paulo and visit IMS, you can have a taste of the fair on the Mulheres Luz website. Get to know the work of the Mulheres Luz collective and also visit the store to purchase unique prints, books and objects delivered throughout Brazil. It is a unique selection of works produced by Brazilian photographers.

Collect prints and Books by women photographers.

Delivery limited to Brazilian territory.


Uma das fotos da série MINE_IRA de Jennifer Cabral está disponível na loja Mulheres Luz.

impressão em pigmento mineral sobre papel algodão, acompanhada de certificado de autenticidade.


April 2022



São Paulo, Brasil.

Agora sou também uma #mulherluz! Mais uma nesta rede de mulheres que fazem parte da ampla cadeia produtiva do fazer e pensar fotografia brasileira. O projeto foi idealizado pela editora e curadora Monica Maia @momaia em parceria com a @fridaprojetos , das produtoras executivas Ana Silvia Forgiarini @silforgiarini e Mariane Goldberg, e é desenvolvido com a editoria @ivanadebertolis, a jornalista Carla Romero @carlaromero73 e acompanhamento da crítica de fotografia e docente universitária @simonettapersichetti e designer e assessoria de comunicação de Fernanda Masini @FernandaMasini Está é uma rede em construção! Participe.

@mulheresluz_fotografia #mulheresdafotografia #mulheresdaimagen #mulherescriarivas #mulheresfotografas


Feb. 2022



St. Pettersburg, Russia.

Coming soon a small edition of prints from my series MINE_IRA is going to be available for sale at this exciting new art space.

Since 2019, LADIES DRAWING CLÜB sustains an independent community by representing and supporting emerging female artists from all over the world. LADIES DRAWING CLÜB is an effort run by a small team based in St-Petersburg, Russia. The project was founded by curator and a practicing artist. They only support women and those who call themselves as such. 

They are growing collaborations with art spaces throughout Europe. At GALERÍA NUEVA in Madrid, Spain they worked with curator Daniel Silvo on their 1st physical exhibition in 2021. They also partnered with RUTH Gallery in Berlin and their gallery team. And, their independent publication - LADIES DRAWING CLÜB ISSUES - are sold in Studi0 Gallery in Sankt-Moritz, Switzerland. 

Their publications and small editions issues are available online and shipped worldwide. As an independent publisher they create issues showcasing the emerging female artists, many of which they represent. My series MINE_IRA was featured on their #4 issue and prints soon will be at their online shop. Take a look.


A lot has changed.

I encourage you to visit their Instagram account and see the story Ladies Drawing Club founder just shared, and spread their work, their artists and publications. Here is part of a message sent today. Read in full on their Instagram stories.


“All the people I know in Russia are people who have always voted against this government in the country, who fought for their constitution, who fought for their freedom. There are people who are against the war! We are all against this war! We are ashamed and hurt.

I love the world and every city on earth. I work with people from different parts of the world and I love it. It’s amazing to know how different we are and how similar we are. I am happy that during the existence of the club I was able to meet amazing curators and artists. We became close by doing the same thing. It’s amazing how many opportunities there are for people who love the world and strive for its development. And how precious It is that we can meet on our travels, move, exchange cultures.

I Believe this ends now!


Love Ukraine

Love the world

Love people

I should note that our instagram account can be blocked by Russian government. Or the Instagram can be blocked for everyone in Russia. I will send emails soon and write updates on our web

- LADIES DRAWING CLÜB #standwithukraine


LATEST studies

Setembro 2022



João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brasil.

During this fall season I attended the workshop: “Plants feel: self-portraiture and Clorophyll Prints” on alternative methods of printing using plants as emulsions or support. These techniques were introduced to me by a Brazilian artist and professor Liz Vasc.

Being part of the lively conversations in Portuguese spiced with the delicious accent of Northeastern Brazil from participating students and my “Paraibana” instructor were as soothing as the process of interacting with the essence and beings of the plant kingdom.

SEE my ANThoTYPEs and Clorophyll prints.