Once upon a time...


During treatment, this instagram account became my attempt to still be part of the world. The proof that it worked is that connections I've made during that time, that only existed online, are still part of my cancer afterlife. Other heroines, mostly. Or those who dare to live with those with cancer. Not a task for the faint of heart.

But, little by little, that account became a source of anxiety. It would drag me right back to what I have lived. The anxiety of others would trigger my own fears. Each new scan, each new biopsy, each re-occurence became my own,  and I realized it wasn't any longer healing for me. So I closed this Instagram account.

Some of the photos of that time are now part of this gallery. Just as proof that all was real. It did happen to me. Sometimes I catch myself doubting that.

7 years later I am reopening this account but sharing life lessons instead.
